Advice vs. Opinion. There is a distinct difference between the advice I provide to my clients and my opinions. Normally, business owners want to know, “What would you do if you were in my shoes?” This is a request for advice. This is a request for what I would recommend that they do. Advice is what you (my clients) should do. It is distinctly different from what I would do. It takes into account your situation, your tolerance for some level of risk, your industry or market, the economic conditions, and many other factors. When you work with CFO On The Go, you need to understand the difference between asking for my opinion and asking for my advice. I am always willing to give you my advice. This comes included in our services. I will, on occasion, give you my opinion, but you are going to have to ask me for this and distinguish this from my advice. The importance of the distinction between my advice and my opinions are this: My opinions are just that: my opinions. After working in and with small businesses for the past 35 years, I have a lot of opinions. They are what I would do based on a specific set of circumstances. They are also not advice.